Monday, August 18, 2008

Moving Pictures

This dream was a bit unusual.

I had a dream that I had some friends
who inherited a house
that had been in their family
for many generations.

As they began to move in
they found a box
with several old photos in it.
It was of past generations
of their family
in front of their house.

One was of children
playing on the front porch.

One was of a bridal couple
entering their car
right in front of this house.

The photos were all black and white.
But there were like movies.
Each time my friends handed me a photo
it was like watching a short movie of the event.
I found this odd.

What was even more odd
is that the people in these little movies
were very much aware
that we were watching them.
The bridal couple even waived at us.

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