Friday, September 26, 2008

Aunt Bee

Now, this dream might mean
that I watch too much TVLand.
But, I don't actually watch that channel much
and certainly haven't watched it lately.
And, to be quite honest,
I can't even tell you
when last I watched
The Andy Griffith Show.

I dreamed about Aunt Bee last night.

In my dream,
Aunt Bee was much the same
as she was on the old TV show,
grandmother type,
home cooked meals,
helping raise my son.

I don't know if she was my
Aunt Bee
or just someone who lived with us.
But she did seem like part of the family.

In my dream,
she was trying to teach my son
about the presidential election.
She tried to explain what is meant
by pro-life and pr0-choice,
the differences between
the Republican and Democratic parties,
etc., etc.

In my dream,
Aunt Bee did very well
in conveying my own political views
to my son.

My son was much younger
in my dream than in real life.
He might have been around 8 or 9
in my dream.
In real life he is 15.
And he was my son.
He wasn't Opie-ish at all.
(. .. .What kind of name is Opie, anyway?
I've always wondered about that name
. . . never ever heard that name again,
except for that old tv show. . . .)

I don't remember much else
except that Aunt Bee
was wearing those infamous white gloves
that she wore when going out.
I don't know where she was going,
but she had the gloves on
and was obviously going out.

Maybe she was going to go vote???

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wilt Chamberlain

I had a dream that I was visiting some friends.
A group of them
Decided to live together
To save money.
They didn’t have much furniture
And had to make due with the space available.
The linen closet had people’s clothes in it.
The kitchen cabinets had personal items.
They just made due with what they had.

I don’t remember how many lived in the house.
But there were ladies and gents in the household.
But it was all platonic,
All about trying to get ahead financially.

I went into the basement
And found more clothing,
Folded neatly on a table.
It wasn’t the laundry.
I think it was just that there wasn’t enough closet space
And no dressers in the house.

And then I saw a light on
In the back of the basement.
It was the laundry room.

I hadn't noticed this room before
as it was sort of hidden from view.
It was the light that made me notice it.

And it was more of the same,
Personal items, clothing, ect.
And then I saw a gentlman there.
He said that the laundry room
Was his bedroom.

And then I realized
That it was Wilt Chamberlain.
He said that the others in the house
Hadn’t recognized him.
He asked that I not tell them his true identity.
I’m not sure,
But I think he was trying to see firsthand
How people with limited resources
Manage to find a way to make ends meet.

Isn’t Chamberlain deceased?
Why do I keep having dreams in them
With people who are deceased?
What’s with the recurring theme
Of hidden rooms?
What meaning does hidden rooms in dreams have?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trip Up North

I had a dream that I was going up north
With several of my friends.
We were discussing which of us would drive
And then decided that we could all go in one car.

I don’t know why,
But everyone was dressed very nicely.
This was odd
As this was going to be long weekend,
Sort like a camping event,
though we would be staying in a hotel.
Most of the events we were going to attend
Would be outside activities.
And yet,
Everyone arrived ready to leave
In very nice attire.

My friend, Marcy,
Was wearing black pants
With a red and white blouse
That had spaghetti straps.
Dolores was dressed in black pants
With a black suit jacket.

When we got into the car
I ended up in the back seat
With two other friends.
There were actually four seated in front.
Lupe was driving,
Though in real life Lupe is already deceased.

During the drive up
We were discussing the talks
That each of us would have to give.. .
. . .some sort of testimony.
The plan was that everyone in attendance would speak.
After each talk,
A flag of some sort was placed
In a design.
The flags for our group were red and white.

When we arrived,
I decided to go for a walk.
One of my friends was with me.
A child started to follow us.
She wanted to warn us about something,
But I don’t know what.
She continued to follow us,
Though remaining behind us some distance.
As we neared a railroad track
We decided to return to the group.

On Sunday we went to church.
The priest had invited several couples
Who had lost a child.
They all came, but were seated, each couple, alone.
No one from the congregation had welcomed them
Or greeted them when they came in.
After church,
They were going to have
Some sort of support group for them.

I approached the priest
And told him that I thought
That each couple should have
Some sort of sponsor couple from the parish.
Not so much to be a part of the support group,
Though I thought that was a good idea.
But mainly to befriend them
And welcome them to our church. .
. . .introduce them to others,
attend church functions with them. . .
. . .basically spend time with them
until they knew some members of the congregation.
The priest decided that mine
Was a bad idea.

After all of this at church,
We went back to all of our activities of the weekend.
More people gave talks
And different colors of flags
Were placed in the design.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's 9:00a.m.

I had a dream that a bunch of us
were going to meet for dinner.

The restaurant decided upon
was one of those greasy spoons.
You know,
where everything is either fried
or dripping in its own grease.

I wasn't too happy about going to this place.
But I really wanted to go out with the group.

In my dream,
I knew these people well.
But I don't know who they were.
I don't know if they were family
or friends
or co-workers.
But I did know them.

When we arrived
the wait staff quickly pushed tables together
so that we could all be seated together.

When the mean came
I was really surprised.
It was a home style meal.
Good food, really good food.
It all had that home made sense to it.
And it came in plates that we had to pass round,
like a real home style meal.

When it was over
I told everyone how surprised I was
and how wrong I was
about the type of food it was going to be.

We decided to spend the night at my mom's house.
I don't know why.
We all slept in the basement.

And when I woke up the next day
I realized that it was 9:00a.m.
My son was very late for school!
I shouted at him to wake up
and get his school uniform on
so that we could get going.
He already missed first hour
and was into missing his second class of the day.
I called the school
to let them know we overslept
and were on our way.

When I woke up (in real life)
I realized that I had actually overslept.
I usually get up at 4:30am.
I woke up at 6:40a.m. . .
. . more than two hours later. ..
and ten minutes later than I usually get my son up for school.