Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eagles and Rams

embroidered eagle Pictures, Images and Photos
It's been a while since I've posted to this blog,
but this dream,
I think,
is worth the wait!

In my dream
we (there were two of us)
were returning to the car
after shopping.
I was sitting on the passenger side.

All of a sudden,
I heard a sound
that I had never heard before.
I knew it was a bird.
And then in an instant
I realized that was the sound of eagles.

Suddenly an eagle flew over the car
and then just sat down
right next to the car
on the passenger side,
very close to the car.
It was beautiful!
I was looking at at him
and he was looking right at me,
each of us sort of in wonder of the other.

Then there were many eagles flying over the car
and they started to congregate
on the driver side of the car.
I commented on how
I wish I had my camera.

All of a sudden one tried to get into the car
via the window in the back seat.
We decided it was time to leave
before one actually got into the car.

We slowly started to drive away
and the eagles followed us flying over us.
I saw that some feathers
and flew up on to the dashboard
and I was happy
to have some little memento of the eagle's visit.

As we neared the express way
we saw a ram walking up the ramp.
we saw several more rams
all making their way on to the expressway.
There was another animal with them,
a much smaller one
but I couldn't make out
what sort of animal it was.

We thought that maybe
they had escaped from a zoo,
but the nearest zoo
was more than ten miles away.
Or maybe they were part
of some sort of museum special exhibit.
But the closest museum
is Greenfield village
and rams didn't seem like an animal
the Village would bring in.
Cows, farm animals, maybe. . .
but not rams.
We couldn't figure out
where the rams could have come from.

And then I realized
that an eagle had actually gotten into the car.
It was injured and was sitting in the rear window.
We opened all of the windows
in the hopes that it would make it's way out of the car.

A woman
in another car
started to beep
as she noticed the eagle in the car.
We shouted back to her
that we knew the eagle was there.
She hollered for us
to turn on our flashers
and so we did.

there was a little boy in the car with us.
He was in the back seat.
I don't know who he was
but I knew that he was five years old.
I told him
to try and shew the eagle out of the window.
In doing so,
he was half way out of the window himself.
The eagle made it's way out,
but his claws held firm to the window.
The eagle refused to leave the car.
I pulled the child back into the car.
But the eagle never left the car.
It's almost as if
he wanted to be with us,
to stay with us.

Once we got home,
we left all of the car doors open
hoping the eagle would find his way out.

All of a sudden
all of those eagles that had been following us
swooped down toward the car.
The seemed totally oblivious to us
at this point.
It seemed like
the eagles were only concerned
about their friend.

A couple of the eagles
pulled their friend from the car.
And between three of them
they carried him off.

With that,
all of the eagles flew away.

What do Eagles represent?
And rams?
Who was the woman who saw the eagle?
Why did the eagles come to us, follow us?
Why did the one particular eagle
want to stay with us?
And where did the little boy come from?
What do all of these symbols mean???

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