Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Polar Bears

Has it been that long
since I've last posted something?

Last night,
I had dream
that we were coming home
from I don't know where.
We were driving down
Jefferson Avenue.

But Jefferson was flooded.
I didn't want M. to drive through
thinking that the car would sink.
But he drove through anyway.

There was a huge polar bear
just off to the right.
It was so huge
that I thought it had to be
a mechanical bear,
that the water
was part of some sort of festival or something.
The polar bear
was large enough
to swallow the car whole.

And then,
I saw another polar bear
come up from underneath the water.
Only his head popped out of the water.
This one was also to the right of the car
but much closer.

we reached a place
where the water over the road
was much more shallow.
He parked the car
and we proceeded on foot.
There were three of us
in the car.

Many of the people
were flooded out of their apartments.
They were sitting in lawnchairs
just in front of their homes.
The apartments were very, very small,
just one room homes.

The electricity was off
because there was just so much water.

we came upon a place
where we could rest
after walking such a great distance.
The electricity was still off
in this place
but there were pillows and blankets
and chairs
for us to rest a bit.
The only lights that worked
were battery operated.

It turned out
that this was actually someone's apartment,
but he let us rest there for awhile.

No one ever knew why there was so much water
or where the polar bears came from.

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