Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ghostly Door

This dream is short,
but pretty impressive.
At least,
I woke up
not sure if it was real
or just a dream.

I had a dream
that one of the doors in my home
was being open and shut
by a ghost.

All I would need to do
is point at the door
and it would open or close.
I told my pastor about this
and he didn't believe me.
I invited him over to the house
to witness it for himself.

When he got to the house
I showed him the door in question.
I told him
that all I need to do was point to the door
and it would open or close.
At the moment,
that door was open.

And as I was telling him this,
I pointed at the door,
not realizing I was doing so,
but just trying to explain to him
how it happens.

In that instant,
the door closed,
there was a poof of smoke
and sparks flying everywhere.

He thought I was playing a joke on him.
But then
when I kept doing it
and he tried to see
if there were any gadgets in place
to make to make it open and close
he realized that I was telling the truth.

So, what does this mean?
What does the door symbolize?
And the smoke and sparks?

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