Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Little Light House

I had a dream
of what I can only describe
as a little light house.
it wasn't really a lighthouse.
It was just a tall building,
not quite as high as a lighthouse,
but one you had to go up many stairs.

It was made of stone.
It was clearly an ancient building.
No one knew who built it
nor why it was there
in the middle of the city.
It was just an old,
yet solid, ediface.

All of the neighborhood children
were constantly trying to get in,
to climb up to the top.
It was hard to get in
as the door was very tricky.
And once inside,
it was very hard to climb to the top
as the stairs were very, very steep.
One literally had to climb
with hands and feet
to get to the top.

And the room at the top was small.
And there was another little room,there, too.
But it had no door.
There was just a small window
that led to this other room.
One would have to climb through the window
to get into this other room.
That was the one and only way to enter
that other room.

I worked at a store
that was near this little light house.
Another store in the area
was holding some sort of raffle.
I don't remember the prize amount,
but it was a lot of money.
A co-worker of mine
asked if I wanted to go in
and buy raffle tickets.
The plan was
to form a group of people,
a club,
who would each buy raffle tickets.
If any one of us won
we would split the winnings with each other.
I agreed.
But they were going to stop selling tickets soon
so I had to buy my tickets right away.

Since I had to go to church after work
I decided to change my clothes
and then get in line to buy my tickets.
That way,
I could go right to church already dressed.

But there was no place to change.
So I decided to go into the little light house.
Once inside I went up those very steep stairs.
Once at the top
I head noises.
It was a bunch of kids
who were trying to pry the door open
and get into the little light house.
I decided to go into the little room
through the window,
just in case the kids got in
they wouldn't catch me in a state
of partial undress.

I managed to change my clothes
and those kids never got in.

And then I realized
that the little room
was very little after all.

In fact,
it was huge.
I don't know what magic was used
to build this Little Light House,
but that room that was apparently smaller
was secretly
a very large area.
It was like
there was a secret magic that happened
if you could manage to make your way
through that little window.

I left the little light house
and got in line to buy my raffle tickets.
many folks decided to form
these little raffle clubs.

It took nearly forever,
but I got my tickets
and made it to church on time.

I learned that our raffle club had won.
I took my share of the winnings
and purchased the little light house
from the city.
I changed the door
so that those people
who were always trying to get in
would realize
that the Light House
was off limits them.
I own The Little Magic Light House now
and you can only get in
if I let you in.

What does a Lighthouse sybmolize?
Why was the door so tricky to open?
What is the window?
What is the magic of the other room??

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