Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Giant Giraffe
since I've had a good dream
to add to this blog. ..
.. .this should be worth the wait!
Last night,
I dreamt that I was with someone named Anne.
She wasn't my mother,
but was an older woman, a motherly type.
We were at some sort of street festival.
There were all sorts of booths and stands
lining the streets of the neighborhood we were in.
. . . Vendors, Food, Art, Music. . .
. . just an atmosphere of festivity.
There were a lot of people walking around.
We (Anne and I) needed to get to another area.
As I recall,
we needed to walk three blocks down
and then go to the left.
I'm not sure what that area was,
but I got the impression that it was a restricted area,
but that the people there were expecting us. .
. . .or at least, that we had permission
to enter that area.
But there were so many people
that it just seemed like three blocks
would take forever.
Anne said she had an idea.
We were at a store or restaurant
that I think she owned.
It was higher than the rest of the places,
sort of like on a plateau.
She then came out with two giant animals:
A Giant Giraffe and a Giant Ostrich.
She said that we would ride these animals,
that they could walk quickly over all of the venders and peoples.
She mounted the ostrich
and I rode the Giraffe.
We decided that we would each ride at our own pace
but would wait for each other
once we reached each corner.
The first street we had to cross
was right there where her restaurant was.
Basically, the giant animals
just had to take a stop down
to get off of the plateau
and then just cross the street.
She managed fine,
but I couldn't get the Giant Giraffe
to step down and cross.
She came back
and showed me how to guide the animal.
Once I knew how to direct the Giant Giraffe
I managed just fine.
I got the Giraffe to step down
and cross the street.
We proceeded just fine.
When we arrived at the first street corner
I paused to wait for Anne and her Giant Ostrich.
I didn't see her anywhere.
I looked ahead to see if she went on ahead of us.
I looked down the other street
to see if she had already turned and gone to the left.
And then I looked back
to where we started from.
She was still on the plateau
at the restaurant.
Her Ostrich sat down
and just wouldn't get up.
I decided to go back
and see what had happened.
As I neared the plateau
I saw yet another giant animal.
This was a Giant Lion.
He was scratching his claws,
as housecats do.
I think he was one of Anne's special animals as well.
I stepped up on to the platuea with my Giant Giraffe
and saw that the Giant Ostrich
was simply too tired and just wanted to rest.
The funny thing about this dream
is that no one thought that these giant animals
were strange or out of place.
The people just saw them
as a normal part things.
So. . .
What do these animals represent?
Why did I get to ride the Giant Giraffe?
Who is Anne?
(I don't know her in my waking life.)
And why did she get the Giant Ostrich?
Why was the Ostrich tired?
What of the Lion?
What is this restricted area we were going to?
Why didn't we end up getting there?
And what was this street festival/fair about?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Secret Studio
I had a dream about a secret room.
This secret room was at church.
It was a secret recording studio.
In real life,
the church in my dream
does have a recording studio.
But it's not "secret."
In fact,
in real life,
many have recorded there.
But in my dream,
the secret studio was actually
in the sactuary area.
It was secret in that only a very few
knew that it existed.
And yet,
it was right in front of their noses
just above the sactuary.
From inside the studio
you could see the entire enterior of the church.
It was all windows, large plates of glass.
How it was that you could see out
but people in the church couldn't see in
I do not know.
The technology was just fabulous!
Something as simple as
burning a copy of a CD was amazing.
You could take an ordinary CD
and just copy what music you wanted.
For example,
instead of copying all of the music,
you could just copy the guitar part.
The program would just remove
the other music for you.
And the room itself was pristine.
Well cared for.
Those who knew this room existed
obviously took great care of this space.
How it is that I was invited
to know about this room
I don't know.
But somehow,
for some reason,
I was one of the chosen musicians
who able to share in this sacred space.
That I dream a bit about churches
is no surprise as in my waking world
I work for a church.
In fact, I work part-time
for three different churches.
But what does all of this dreaming
about secret rooms mean?
What's the secret?
What's the room?
Where's the room?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Aunt Bee
that I watch too much TVLand.
But, I don't actually watch that channel much
and certainly haven't watched it lately.
And, to be quite honest,
I can't even tell you
when last I watched
The Andy Griffith Show.
I dreamed about Aunt Bee last night.
In my dream,
Aunt Bee was much the same
as she was on the old TV show,
grandmother type,
home cooked meals,
helping raise my son.
I don't know if she was my
Aunt Bee
or just someone who lived with us.
But she did seem like part of the family.
In my dream,
she was trying to teach my son
about the presidential election.
She tried to explain what is meant
by pro-life and pr0-choice,
the differences between
the Republican and Democratic parties,
etc., etc.
In my dream,
Aunt Bee did very well
in conveying my own political views
to my son.
My son was much younger
in my dream than in real life.
He might have been around 8 or 9
in my dream.
In real life he is 15.
And he was my son.
He wasn't Opie-ish at all.
(. .. .What kind of name is Opie, anyway?
I've always wondered about that name
. . . never ever heard that name again,
except for that old tv show. . . .)
I don't remember much else
except that Aunt Bee
was wearing those infamous white gloves
that she wore when going out.
I don't know where she was going,
but she had the gloves on
and was obviously going out.
Maybe she was going to go vote???
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wilt Chamberlain
I had a dream that I was visiting some friends.
A group of them
Decided to live together
To save money.
They didn’t have much furniture
And had to make due with the space available.
The linen closet had people’s clothes in it.
The kitchen cabinets had personal items.
They just made due with what they had.
I don’t remember how many lived in the house.
But there were ladies and gents in the household.
But it was all platonic,
All about trying to get ahead financially.
I went into the basement
And found more clothing,
Folded neatly on a table.
It wasn’t the laundry.
I think it was just that there wasn’t enough closet space
And no dressers in the house.
And then I saw a light on
In the back of the basement.
It was the laundry room.
I hadn't noticed this room before
as it was sort of hidden from view.
It was the light that made me notice it.
And it was more of the same,
Personal items, clothing, ect.
And then I saw a gentlman there.
He said that the laundry room
Was his bedroom.
And then I realized
That it was Wilt Chamberlain.
He said that the others in the house
Hadn’t recognized him.
He asked that I not tell them his true identity.
I’m not sure,
But I think he was trying to see firsthand
How people with limited resources
Manage to find a way to make ends meet.
Isn’t Chamberlain deceased?
Why do I keep having dreams in them
With people who are deceased?
What’s with the recurring theme
Of hidden rooms?
What meaning does hidden rooms in dreams have?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Trip Up North
With several of my friends.
We were discussing which of us would drive
And then decided that we could all go in one car.
I don’t know why,
But everyone was dressed very nicely.
This was odd
As this was going to be long weekend,
Sort like a camping event,
though we would be staying in a hotel.
Most of the events we were going to attend
Would be outside activities.
And yet,
Everyone arrived ready to leave
In very nice attire.
My friend, Marcy,
Was wearing black pants
With a red and white blouse
That had spaghetti straps.
Dolores was dressed in black pants
With a black suit jacket.
When we got into the car
I ended up in the back seat
With two other friends.
There were actually four seated in front.
Lupe was driving,
Though in real life Lupe is already deceased.
During the drive up
We were discussing the talks
That each of us would have to give.. .
. . .some sort of testimony.
The plan was that everyone in attendance would speak.
After each talk,
A flag of some sort was placed
In a design.
The flags for our group were red and white.
When we arrived,
I decided to go for a walk.
One of my friends was with me.
A child started to follow us.
She wanted to warn us about something,
But I don’t know what.
She continued to follow us,
Though remaining behind us some distance.
As we neared a railroad track
We decided to return to the group.
On Sunday we went to church.
The priest had invited several couples
Who had lost a child.
They all came, but were seated, each couple, alone.
No one from the congregation had welcomed them
Or greeted them when they came in.
After church,
They were going to have
Some sort of support group for them.
I approached the priest
And told him that I thought
That each couple should have
Some sort of sponsor couple from the parish.
Not so much to be a part of the support group,
Though I thought that was a good idea.
But mainly to befriend them
And welcome them to our church. .
. . .introduce them to others,
attend church functions with them. . .
. . .basically spend time with them
until they knew some members of the congregation.
The priest decided that mine
Was a bad idea.
After all of this at church,
We went back to all of our activities of the weekend.
More people gave talks
And different colors of flags
Were placed in the design.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
It's 9:00a.m.
were going to meet for dinner.
The restaurant decided upon
was one of those greasy spoons.
You know,
where everything is either fried
or dripping in its own grease.
I wasn't too happy about going to this place.
But I really wanted to go out with the group.
In my dream,
I knew these people well.
But I don't know who they were.
I don't know if they were family
or friends
or co-workers.
But I did know them.
When we arrived
the wait staff quickly pushed tables together
so that we could all be seated together.
When the mean came
I was really surprised.
It was a home style meal.
Good food, really good food.
It all had that home made sense to it.
And it came in plates that we had to pass round,
like a real home style meal.
When it was over
I told everyone how surprised I was
and how wrong I was
about the type of food it was going to be.
We decided to spend the night at my mom's house.
I don't know why.
We all slept in the basement.
And when I woke up the next day
I realized that it was 9:00a.m.
My son was very late for school!
I shouted at him to wake up
and get his school uniform on
so that we could get going.
He already missed first hour
and was into missing his second class of the day.
I called the school
to let them know we overslept
and were on our way.
When I woke up (in real life)
I realized that I had actually overslept.
I usually get up at 4:30am.
I woke up at 6:40a.m. . .
. . more than two hours later. ..
and ten minutes later than I usually get my son up for school.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A Hidden Room at my Old Elementary School
that I was in my old elementary school.
I went into one of the rooms
and it was totally trashed.
People had just destroyed everything.
The walls were destroyed,
the floors. . .everything in the room
suffered at the hand of vandals.
I went into another room
and it was in a bad state, too.
But this room suffered more
from just being abandoned.
No one had destroyed it.
The thing is,
no one took care of it either.
And time was destroying it slowly.
And then I found another room.
It was almost like an outdoor courtyard.
In the school, but outside.
The room was very well kept.
It had many dressers and lamps.
But they were all antiques.
No chairs at all in this room.
And then I noticed
that in order to sit down
people would open a drawer
from one of the dressers
and just sit in that.
Which drawer you would open
depended on how tall or short you were.
I opened a drawer to sit down in
and noticed
it was filled with old clothes and towels.
They were well folded, well cared for.
But I could tell that the clothes were old.
I noticed that I had a long, old fashioned skirt on.
Like the ones the ladies where
in that TV show, Little House on the Prairie.
There were two elderly people there,
a man and a woman.
I didn’t know the man’s name.
But the woman’s name was Maddie.
She said that she hadn’t had many visitors lately.
We chatted for awhile.
And then,
a child came in.
He was glad to see me.
He asked how long I had been there,
if I had plans on coming back for frequent visits.
The child’s name was Maddie also.
The sky started to turn dark
and clouds started to appear.
They all decided to go inside.
But I wanted to stay for awhile.
And I began to wonder what would happen
to all of that antique furniture
if the rain came.
The others didn’t seem concerned about this at all.
I just sat there for a while,
admiring the sky
and admiring all of the old antique furniture.
I wondered why I never saw this room
when I was a young student in this elementary school.
I wondered who else didn’t know about this hidden room.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Selling the Family Business
My family in this dream
wasn't my family in real life.
In this dream,
all of these people were unknown to me real life.
My father was a tubby Greek gentleman.
And I had three brothers.
(In the awake world I have two brothers.)
We had a family business
that was going under.
I'm not sure what it was,
but I think it had something to do
with pet supplies or pet food.
I worked in the family business,
but I also had a job outside of the business.
I didn't depend on this for my income.
An offer came from a large company
to buy the family business.
Except for one of my brothers,
no one in the family wanted to accept the offer.
I think my brother only saw the dollar signs.
He really wasn't too concerned
with what was best for everyone.
He just knew that he would receive
a significant chunk of change
if the business were sold.
I had another brother
was running for City Council.
He didn't want to sell
because he was using the family name.
He really had no business running for office.
He just wanted the fame of being in local politics.
Selling the business
wouldn't be good for his political name,
or so he thought.
Another brother didn't really want to sell.
But also realized that some sort of comment
needed to be made to the public.
The press had gotten wind of the offer
and started to follow us everywhere,
asking if we were going to sell.
He made some comments to the press like,
"we're examining all options,"
"we're taking all things into consideration."
He didn't really say anything.
A secretary who worked for us
always avoided the subject of children.
We never knew why.
Another of our workers found some candy
stuffed in the cushions in the couch in her office.
Only he realized that it wasn't candy at all.
It was drugs.
He said this is how the drug pushers
sell to children.
He wraps it up as candy
and then the kids get hooked.
The secretary burst into tears.
Amidst her weeping
she told us that that is how she lost her child.
Her son had died after a drug overdose
taking what he thought was candy.
At that point my father realized
that we had to sell the family business.
It would give everyone a new start.
It would bring jobs to the area
(something my brother running for office
could use in his political pitch).
And it would just give us more time
to be family,
not just business partners.
And I don't know what this means,
but my father wore white throughout this dream.
Sort of like that white suite Col Sanders wears. . .
What does this all mean?
What's up with that white suite?
What does a family business symbolize?
Who were these people who in real life aren't my people?
And what of this child that died?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Shrink in Canada
that I had been going to visit
a shrink.
For whatever reason,
I had stopped my sessions for awhile.
I felt like I needed to check in with him
so I decided to give him a call
and set up an appointment.
I couldn't find his business card anywhere.
I looked in the yellow pages.
I looked online.
No listing.
I decided to just over there
and make an appointment
with the receptionist.
When I got there,
he had a group in session.
They were just taking a break.
He greeted me
but said he couldn't see me at that moment.
I told him that I knew that.
I just wanted to make an appointment
and couldn't find his phone number.
I made the appointment
then I left.
But then,
I suddenly became aware
that I couldn't remember where I parked.
The sidewalk became narrow.
there were two rows of sidewalks.
And then I realized that I was on a bridge.
There were no handrails,
nothing to keep me from falling over
into the water.
The sidewalk I was walking on
suddenly became slanted.
I slipped and was just barely hanging on.
I did manage to get up
and started walking on the other sidewalk
as that was closer to the building.
And then I realized that I was in Canada.
I finally remembered where I parked.
But I couldn't remember how
to back to the U.S.
I wasn't really feeling scared at all.
More like challenged,
a sense of trying something new.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Trapped in the Choir Room
And, as things would have it,
I had another dream!
I dreamt that I was on my way
to choir rehearsal.
(I do sing in the choir
in my awake life.)
Ruben was leading the rehearsal.
Ruben was a very talented guitarist.
In actuality,
he died awhile ago.
Ruben was leading the rehearsal.
Really, it wasn't so much a rehearsal
as a run through of things
before worship.
I was running late.
As I arrived
things were just finishing up.
Everyone was leaving,
but I sat down
to get my music in order
after having received the song list from Ruben.
It was a larger rehearsal room.
I think it was underneath the church,
Like a basement social hall or something.
It definitely was on a lower level.
Except it wasn't a hall
it was clearly a music room. . .
. . music stands, choral seating,
piano, etc.
Everyone had left
and then I heard someone calling.
She was on the floor above,
but not in the church.
She tried to come down through the elevator
but something happened.
A myriad of plastic toys
had gotten in the way
in the elevator shaft.
The elevator couldn't come all the way down.
I told her to try to go back up
and come down the elevator
on the others side of the building.
And then I walked around
to where the other elevator was.
The doors suddenly burst open
and tons and tons and tons
of plastic toys came spilling out.
She eventually made it to the music room
via a stairwell.
It really was more like a fire escape,
except that it was in the building.
It was very narrow
and you had to pull the stairs down
in order to use them.
We didn't know where all the toys came from.
what does this mean?
This is the second time today
that I dreamt of someone
who has already passed on.
What does that mean?
What does the elevator mean?
And an elevator going down???
Plastic toys?
Dad, The VA, and Court TV
To me,
a dream is unusual when something
just isn't quite right.
O, I know.
Dreams are always
full of imagery and symbols.
I guess this particular dream was unusual
because it's another dream with my father
who is deceased.
I dreamt I was volunteering
in some sort of nursing home.
it was more like a veteran's hospital.
Everyone there was a vet.
They all had a story to tell.
I was volunteering
with lunch duty.
I would help serve the food,
poor the juice and what not.
It was getting so the place
expected me to be there
almost every day.
It started interfering with my job.
I let them know that I would not be coming
as often as I had.
They would need to make other arrangements
for others to volunteer and help out.
I told them that I would only come in
on certain days.
And on those days
I would be coming in to visit with my father.
I had been working there so much
that even though my father was a resident there
I never got an opportunity to visit with him.
On the first of my visits to my father,
I had to miss work.
But I didn't mind.
I just told my pastor (I work for a church)
that this was something I had to.
He didn't like the idea of my missing work,
but he understood.
When I went to see my father,
he was sitting in a chair watching TV
in some sort of community room.
In my dream,
my dad had had a stroke
and so could no longer speak.
But I could tell that he was sad.
And then I saw that it was the program on TV.
I switched it over to court TV.
Dad always liked stuff
about court, detectives, politics, etc.
And with that channel switch
he became very happy.
The other residents
who were in the room
weren't too happy.
But then I told them to calm down,
that it was only for a little while
as I visited with my dad,
then I would switch the channel back.
In real life,
my dad was a veteran,
though he never had a stroke.
Nor was he ever confined
to any place like that as a resident.
my dad died several years ago.
what does it mean
that he wanted me to visit him?
What does it mean
that even though I spent time with him
he could not speak?
Why was I working all around him,
but not with him?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Moving Pictures
I had a dream that I had some friends
who inherited a house
that had been in their family
for many generations.
As they began to move in
they found a box
with several old photos in it.
It was of past generations
of their family
in front of their house.
One was of children
playing on the front porch.
One was of a bridal couple
entering their car
right in front of this house.
The photos were all black and white.
But there were like movies.
Each time my friends handed me a photo
it was like watching a short movie of the event.
I found this odd.
What was even more odd
is that the people in these little movies
were very much aware
that we were watching them.
The bridal couple even waived at us.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Flying Frisbee
I was looking out of the window
and I saw two men who were very well dressed.
They had on dark suits with ties
and an overcoat.
It was dark,
so I didn't think they could see me.
And then I saw one of them
reach his hand into one of the windows.
I wasn't sure what he was doing,
though later I would realize
that he had a long extension cord
and was just pluggin it in.
I saw them raise something up to their face
and I thought they had guns
and were getting ready to take aim,
so I fled
yelling to others in the house
that men with guns were outside.
When I got to the next room,
I realized that what they actually had was cameras.
They were taking pictures of me.
I couldn't figure out why.
But then I just decided to let it go.
I mean,
they weren't dangerous.
As I sat in the room,
I saw a colorful, transparent disk type thing.
It wasn't really a frisbee,
because it was flat.
Somehow I felt like there was a spirit in the room.
So I called out to it.
I told it to lift the frisbee thing
and bring it to me.
And when I saw the frisbee start moving
I got scared so I got up to leave the room
but the frisbee hit me in the ankle.
I picked it up and went into yet another room.
My son was in there.
I told him what just happened.
He told me to do it again.
And so I did.
I told the spirit to give me the frisbee.
The frisbee came to me
as if someone had thrown it, in true frisbee fashion.
I threw it back,
and then after landing,
it got up and came to me again.
My son tried to do it,
but the spirit would not make a move for him.
We decided to ask the spirit some questions.
I decided to find out if it was male or female.
"You are a women?" I asked.
And then,
what seemed to be a male voice,
said, "Yes."
My son and I laughed.
It was very quite, spoken in a low voice,
but it was clearly audible.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Secret Room
but one that is very interesting.
I had a dream that I was in the basement
in the laundry room.
I had a can of Raid
because there were a lot of of those little fruit flies.
I found where they were coming from.
There was a pipe coming out of the wall,
I think it was a water pipe.
But they were tucking themselves in behind the wall.
So, I had the bug spray and was going to spray them out of there.
But then,
I noticed a light coming from the small spaces
around that pipe.
I took a closer look,
and I could see that there was another room,
a secret room on the other side.
I tried to figure out how to get in that room.
before I could figure out how to get in,
my eldest son found the way.
There was secret passage to that room
about half way down the stairs to the basement.
The room was basically,
just another basement.
Cement floor, unfinished walls,
ductwork, etc.
The room seemed to be midpoint
between the first floor and the basement,
which was virtually impossible for it to be so.
But there it was.
We had a secret room.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Falling Dreams
I had two very short dreams.
In the first dream,
I dreamt that I was getting into
a hot air balloon.
Someone else was with me in the balloon,
but I don't remember who it was.
The balloon started to go up.
Before it was too high,
I fell out of it.
Of course,
as soon as I hit the ground
I actually fell on the bed.
Needless to say,
I woke up laughing
when I realized it!
In the second dream,
I was at the top of a very tall building.
As I looked down from the building,
I could see all sorts of people
flying through the air below.
I was afraid to join them
as I wasn't sure that I could fly like them.
I finally got the courage to try.
But I fell.
And.. . .again. . .
I hit the bed as soon as I hit the ground.
Again, I woke up laughing!
I wonder,
what is this?
I mean,
how is it that we wake up
as soon as we hit the ground?
And why is it
that I'm barely awake
but find this so humerous?
And the heck can't I fly
like the rest of the people in my dream?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Funeral Prayer Card
and to the point.
I had a dream
that I was at my mother's house.
She went out to get the mail.
When she came back in
she said that there was something for me.
I found this odd
as I haven't lived there in decades.
I opened the envelope
with my name on it.
Inside was one of the little prayer cards,
you know,
the kind that you get a funeral home
that has a prayer
or maybe a little something about the deceased.
It had a picture of a lily.
But the information was hand written.
And it seemd to be as though
it was written by a child.
All I can remember
is that the name of the deceased was Mark
and that he died at 17 years of age.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Selling the Basilica
. . .I dreamt that the church
(The Roman Catholic Church, that is )
was in dire need of financial help.
The church decided
that it was going to sell off a lot of her buildings.
This included selling
St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
I protested the sale of the Basilica.
While I could understand
selling some of the Catholic school buildings
that were no longer in use,
or other buildings,
I could not understand selling The Basilica.
The Basilica is an historic treasure,
not just for Catholics
but for many people.
I tried to explain this
to church leaders,
but they continued with the plan nontheless.
The church also decided to sell off
all of the rectories.
The parish priests were relocated
to much smaller housing.
The houses were one room homes,
with a very small driveway to park their cars.
It was basically a bed and a bathroom.
All of the priests in a geographical area
(not sure how large the area was)
would have a community building
where they would have their meals
and watch TV and just hang out.
The idea the church had was to
bring the priests back into
a life of community relationship with each other.
In my dream,
I decided to live in one of these house.
I dressed it up very nicely with curtains.
And I planted all sorts of flowers outside.
My house was way better than all of the others.
I was trying to show the priests
who were not keen on the idea
of living in these small houses
that they could be made quite comfortable
and homey.
In the end,
the small houses became quite popular
with single people.
Married couples without children
and older couples with grown children
also liked these one room houses.
And the neighborhoods
all shared the TV room and
had meals together in the community house.
People took care of each other
but still had their privacy.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Church, School and The Little Boy
. . . last night's dream had way too many things going on. . .
First off,
I dreamt I was driving the car,
on my way to church.
It was raining.
I saw a man from my church walking,
so I offered him a ride.
The front passenger seat was all pushed foward
and leaning in,
so he had to adjust it to get in.
When we arrived at church,
it was really a school.
He walked in
and I never saw him again from that point on.
A number of young girls came up to me
and greeted me, hugging me.
I remember thinking
that I didn't have a clue
as to who these girls were.
A teacher, actually I think she was a coach of some sort,
wanted to show me something.
I think some sort of new design
for the cheerleaders uniform.
One of the parents had designed it.
After I looked at it,
I went into the church. . . .
. . again, I know it was a church,
but in my dream it was like a school.
I sat near an Asian family with several children.
The youngest child was very active
and kept talking to me very playfully.
Somehow, I had the idea
that even though I had never met this family before,
they were, somehow,
my own family.
I was walking around the building,
I saw my mother having lunch
with another woman who in real life is deceased.
I remember telling her that she had to see the child,
especially since she was with her friend.
I took the ladies over to where the family was
that I sat near during church.
She marvelled at how the little boy was growing up so fast.
. . this seemed odd.
this family was my family
even though I had never seen them before this day.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Computer in the Sub Attic
for quite a bit.
So, after awhile
I decided to head back to bed,
maybe lay down for an hour or so.
During that time,
I had the following dream.
I dreamt that I was in bed,
just sort of being lazy.
Then I realized that we had another room.
I had never noticed it before.
I've lived in the house for four years now.
So, it surprised me that there was another area
that I never even knew about.
It was sort of a sub-attic.
It wasn't the actual attic
as that's another area.
But this space was only about
three feet higher than the bedroom.
Access was through the wall
where my dresser is.
It wasn't really a door,
but more like a window,
with two rows of curtains covering it.
The curtains covered the view of the window.
But once inside this sub-attic,
no matter how you pulled the curtains,
you could see the bedroom
from the sub-attic area.
The curtains covered the view from the outside
but not from the inside.
Inside, the curtains seemed to be transparent.
Like most attics,
there was lots of stuff.
But this stuff seemed to be a lot more organized
than most attic areas.
There was a rack with clothes on it
that belonged to I don't know who.
I'd never seen them before.
There were all sorts of things there
that I knew were important
but I don't know why there were important.
Nor do I know to whom they belonged.
But the thing that intrigued me the most was the computer.
It seemed to operate like any normal PC.
It even had internet.
I left the room and went to tell someone else
about it.
They didn't believe me
until I showed them.
upon entering the room this time,
there were now two computers.
This new second computer seemd to have
a lot more purpose and reason for being there.
The mouse on the first computer was now gone,
so we couldn't use it.
And the mouse on the second computer
wouldn't "allow" us to use it.
Rather than plugging into the tower,
it had attached itself with little hands.
What were able to see on the computer screen, however,
was everything.
The computer showed us every thing we had done,
every thought we had ever had.
It was sort of like,
the eternal memory of our lives.
I think the reason the mouse wouldn't let us use it
is because we can't erase anything we've done
or anything we've said in life.
I knew that there was some way
that using this second computer could be used.
It's like I knew that this room was going to become
very important to me, for me.
But I had no idea how to use the computer,
And even if I did,
I didn't know what to use it for.
And then I heard water.
I realized that it was coming from the bathroom.
We walked out of this secret room
and back into the bedroom,
the on to the bathroom.
The sink was just slightly overflowing
as the water had been turned on.
The Voice Mail
but rather interesting dream.
I dreamt that my cell phone beeped
letting me know that I had a new voice mail message.
So, I listened to it.
The voice was that says,
"You have one new message,"
was actually the voice in the message.
She said that my father was going to call me
on the phone at such and such a day
and such a such a time.
Sadly, I don't remember the day and time
that she said this would happen.
I remember thinking that it was weird
the "voice mail voice" would give me this message.
The thing is,
my father died several years ago.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Movie Maker
I had a dream that I was movie maker.
Not sure if that meant
I was a producer or director
or screen play writer.
I only know that I made movies.
I was holding a preview
of some new movies I had just made.
A few short movies,
and one full length documentary film.
Many were invited to attend.
Friends and family. . .
. . and some not so friendly,
those who would prove to play the role of "foe"
in the documentary.
I think there were three short films.
While I don't recall what the others were about,
one of the films was about the flag.
It detailed what the colors
and symbols mean.
In my dream,
I remember feeling like
so many people just don't have a clue
as what symbols are,
as to what power symbols can have.
I think using the flag to explain the power of symbol
was only a prelude
to the symbols that would be found
in the documentary.
The documentary, however, was a bit difficult.
It detailed a real life situation
of a man who overcame many obstacles
to get where he is today.
And many who created those obstacles
were there watching the film.
There were also many in attendance
who had absolutely no idea
what this man overcame... not a clue.
Impressed by his story,
they began to ask him questions after the film was over.
Needless to say,
those who gave him grief
tried to defend their actions,
saying that he deserved to be treated in such a fashion,
that it was for is own good
and development.
Yet, the people seemed to support this man.
It's like,
they had an entirely new respect for him
and for those like him,
living through similar circumstances.
The man in my dream
was a Roman Catholic Priest
who was pushed out of public ministry
by leadership
who tried to impose
the rule of obedience
in nonsensical ways,
in ludicrous ways.
He began to be treated badly by leadership
when he began questioning injustice
within his group.
The movie detailed how he was still
very much involved in a public ministry,
though no longer in a formal way with the church.
The people in my dream
wanted very much for him
to return to a formal public minstry,
though they realized that this would not be possible
with the current rules and regulations of the church.
Those who pushed him out of ministry
continued to defend their actions
and their motives.
No formal decisions were made.
The man didn't decide
to try and persue a formal public ministry.
The people didn't decide
to make noise about it.
The church leaders who gave him grief
didn't decide to keep an eye on him.
But it was obvious that the movie
struck a nerve with all present.
And that no one in attendance
would ever see things the same way.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Graduation Gown
I don't remember all of it,
but I do remember enough of it to write about it here.
I dreamt that my sister and I were both graduating.
I don't know from what. . .college . . high school. . .
. . .or some other special school. . .
I only remember that we were both going to graduate
at the same school in the same ceremony.
When we received our graduation gowns
I immediately ironed mine and hung it up
so that it would be ready for the ceremony.
My sister never took hers out of the bag.
We began discussing when the rehearsal for graduation would be.
We both remembered that the rehearsal was to be held
on the same day as the graduation.
However, we disagreed on the time.
I said it was in the morning.
She said it was at 6:00p.m.,
one hour before the ceremony.
I told here that couldn't be right.
At 6:00p.m. people would already be arriving
to find a good seat
and find a good parking place.
We decided that she would
go in the morning, just to make sure.
I would stay home.
After all,
we had the same last name
and would surely be seated next to each other.
She would go in the morning
and then fill me in on the details.
If it turned out that the rehearsal was in the evening,
we would just both go then.
So, she went.
But she took her gown as well.
She didn't plan on coming home
until after the graduation ceremony.
It turned out the rehearsal was, indeed,
in the morning.
As the hour approached for me to get ready,
I couldn't find my graduation gown.
I looked everywhere.
All of the bedrooms in the house,
the closets, the bathroom, the basement.
I couldn't find it anywhere.
And then it occurred to me that maybe
my sister had taken my gown
when she left in the morning.
So, I went to her room to look for her gown.
Sure enough, her gown was still there,
still in the plastic bag it came in.
I decided that my only alternative
was to iron it and use that one.
So I did.
Then she came home and announced
that she had taken the wrong gown.
And she wanted hers.
I wouldn't give it to her
because she had already worn my gown
and it would need to be re-ironed.
I told her that I was going to use her gown.
After all,
I had already ironed two gowns
and I wasn't about to iron one of them all over again.
I don't know. . . .
. . .but there does seem to be some parallel
with this graduation gown dream
and the dream I posted in this blog yesterday
about the car and the pot holes in the road.
that's all I remember about this graduation gown dream.
I don't remember if my sister got made at me
for not giving her the gown.
Of if I got mad at her
for taking my gown in the first place.
But there you have it: Last Night's Dream!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Car Dream
I dreamt that it had been raining.
There were a number of pot holes in the road,
but the rain managed to fill them with water.
I was driving my car.
But I knew well where all of the pot holes were.
So, I drove around them.
Others drove right through them
as they couldn't see them,
thinking they were just puddles in the road.
But I knew exactly where all of the holes were.
I went to my mom's house.
I don't know where we were going,
but I went there to pick her up.
She insisted on driving.
Now, in my dream, my mother wasn't my mother.
I did go to her house.
I mean, the house in my dream was as the actual house my mother has.
But the woman in my dream,
although she was my mother,
she was a different woman than my real life mother.
Why is that?
I mean,
why do we know people in our dreams
who aren't as they are in real life?
my mother inisted on driving my car.
Now, in real life, my mother doesn't drive.
She's of the generation of women
who, for the most part,
just didn't get a driver's license.
In my dream,
I resisted letting her drive.
But then I just gave in.
I told her I would let her drive,
but she had to listen to me
when I told here where the pot holes were.
She said she would
But then we neared what seemd to be a huge puddle.
I told her that there was a large hole in the road
and that she should go around it.
She didn't listen.
And the car ended in stuck in this huge hole.
The whole front end of the car
just went down into this hole.
When we managed to get out of the car
someone people nearby managed to get the car out of the hole.
They all worked together
and just lifted the car out of that hole.
My mom thanked them.
But I was angry at her
as I was certain that my car's engine,
after having gone for a swim,
would need to be replaced.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Welcome to My Dream House Blog
Hello and welcome.
I'm not too sure how this blog will develop.
Nor am I sure how often I will enter stuff here.
But one thing is for sure.
I've been having some really unusual dreams lately.
And it's about time I begin to write them down.
My friend, Kyra, has been on my case to do this.
I often call her when I've had a strange or unusual dream.
She's pretty good at interpreting the symbols and what not.
And while I don't know that much about dreams,
I know enough to know that dreams can be
release dreams or prophetic dreams.
As a person of faith,
I know that dreams can be used as a method of divine communcation.
And I also know that sometimes
dreams are just the brain/body's way of chilling out.
I don't know how often I'll write in this blog.
When I dream, I'll write.
At the very least,
I may be able to see the progression of my dreams.
And maybe if I look back at what I dreamt
a month ago
I'll be better able to understand this world of dreams.
So, here it is.
My Dream House Blog!
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About the photo:
Just one of my roses from last year,
taken just after a rainfall.