Wow. . .I realize that it's been a while
since I've had a good dream
to add to this blog. ..
.. .this should be worth the wait!
Last night,
I dreamt that I was with someone named Anne.
She wasn't my mother,
but was an older woman, a motherly type.
We were at some sort of street festival.
There were all sorts of booths and stands
lining the streets of the neighborhood we were in.
. . . Vendors, Food, Art, Music. . .
. . just an atmosphere of festivity.
There were a lot of people walking around.
We (Anne and I) needed to get to another area.
As I recall,
we needed to walk three blocks down
and then go to the left.
I'm not sure what that area was,
but I got the impression that it was a restricted area,
but that the people there were expecting us. .
. . .or at least, that we had permission
to enter that area.
But there were so many people
that it just seemed like three blocks
would take forever.
Anne said she had an idea.
We were at a store or restaurant
that I think she owned.
It was higher than the rest of the places,
sort of like on a plateau.
She then came out with two giant animals:
A Giant Giraffe and a Giant Ostrich.
She said that we would ride these animals,
that they could walk quickly over all of the venders and peoples.
She mounted the ostrich
and I rode the Giraffe.
We decided that we would each ride at our own pace
but would wait for each other
once we reached each corner.
The first street we had to cross
was right there where her restaurant was.
Basically, the giant animals
just had to take a stop down
to get off of the plateau
and then just cross the street.
She managed fine,
but I couldn't get the Giant Giraffe
to step down and cross.
She came back
and showed me how to guide the animal.
Once I knew how to direct the Giant Giraffe
I managed just fine.
I got the Giraffe to step down
and cross the street.
We proceeded just fine.
When we arrived at the first street corner
I paused to wait for Anne and her Giant Ostrich.
I didn't see her anywhere.
I looked ahead to see if she went on ahead of us.
I looked down the other street
to see if she had already turned and gone to the left.
And then I looked back
to where we started from.
She was still on the plateau
at the restaurant.
Her Ostrich sat down
and just wouldn't get up.
I decided to go back
and see what had happened.
As I neared the plateau
I saw yet another giant animal.
This was a Giant Lion.
He was scratching his claws,
as housecats do.
I think he was one of Anne's special animals as well.
I stepped up on to the platuea with my Giant Giraffe
and saw that the Giant Ostrich
was simply too tired and just wanted to rest.
The funny thing about this dream
is that no one thought that these giant animals
were strange or out of place.
The people just saw them
as a normal part things.
So. . .
What do these animals represent?
Why did I get to ride the Giant Giraffe?
Who is Anne?
(I don't know her in my waking life.)
And why did she get the Giant Ostrich?
Why was the Ostrich tired?
What of the Lion?
What is this restricted area we were going to?
Why didn't we end up getting there?
And what was this street festival/fair about?