Once again,
I had a dream about a secret room.
This secret room was at church.
It was a secret recording studio.
In real life,
the church in my dream
does have a recording studio.
But it's not "secret."
In fact,
in real life,
many have recorded there.
But in my dream,
the secret studio was actually
in the sactuary area.
It was secret in that only a very few
knew that it existed.
And yet,
it was right in front of their noses
just above the sactuary.
From inside the studio
you could see the entire enterior of the church.
It was all windows, large plates of glass.
How it was that you could see out
but people in the church couldn't see in
I do not know.
The technology was just fabulous!
Something as simple as
burning a copy of a CD was amazing.
You could take an ordinary CD
and just copy what music you wanted.
For example,
instead of copying all of the music,
you could just copy the guitar part.
The program would just remove
the other music for you.
And the room itself was pristine.
Well cared for.
Those who knew this room existed
obviously took great care of this space.
How it is that I was invited
to know about this room
I don't know.
But somehow,
for some reason,
I was one of the chosen musicians
who able to share in this sacred space.
That I dream a bit about churches
is no surprise as in my waking world
I work for a church.
In fact, I work part-time
for three different churches.
But what does all of this dreaming
about secret rooms mean?
What's the secret?
What's the room?
Where's the room?