Monday, June 30, 2008

Computer in the Sub Attic

I was online very early this morning
for quite a bit.

So, after awhile
I decided to head back to bed,
maybe lay down for an hour or so.

During that time,
I had the following dream.

I dreamt that I was in bed,
just sort of being lazy.
Then I realized that we had another room.
I had never noticed it before.
I've lived in the house for four years now.
So, it surprised me that there was another area
that I never even knew about.

It was sort of a sub-attic.
It wasn't the actual attic
as that's another area.

But this space was only about
three feet higher than the bedroom.
Access was through the wall
where my dresser is.
It wasn't really a door,
but more like a window,
with two rows of curtains covering it.
The curtains covered the view of the window.

But once inside this sub-attic,
no matter how you pulled the curtains,
you could see the bedroom
from the sub-attic area.
The curtains covered the view from the outside
but not from the inside.
Inside, the curtains seemed to be transparent.

Like most attics,
there was lots of stuff.
But this stuff seemed to be a lot more organized
than most attic areas.

There was a rack with clothes on it
that belonged to I don't know who.
I'd never seen them before.

There were all sorts of things there
that I knew were important
but I don't know why there were important.
Nor do I know to whom they belonged.

But the thing that intrigued me the most was the computer.

It seemed to operate like any normal PC.
It even had internet.

I left the room and went to tell someone else
about it.
They didn't believe me
until I showed them.

upon entering the room this time,
there were now two computers.
This new second computer seemd to have
a lot more purpose and reason for being there.

The mouse on the first computer was now gone,
so we couldn't use it.

And the mouse on the second computer
wouldn't "allow" us to use it.
Rather than plugging into the tower,
it had attached itself with little hands.

What were able to see on the computer screen, however,
was everything.
The computer showed us every thing we had done,
every thought we had ever had.
It was sort of like,
the eternal memory of our lives.

I think the reason the mouse wouldn't let us use it
is because we can't erase anything we've done
or anything we've said in life.

I knew that there was some way
that using this second computer could be used.
It's like I knew that this room was going to become
very important to me, for me.
But I had no idea how to use the computer,
And even if I did,
I didn't know what to use it for.

And then I heard water.
I realized that it was coming from the bathroom.

We walked out of this secret room
and back into the bedroom,
the on to the bathroom.
The sink was just slightly overflowing
as the water had been turned on.

The Voice Mail

Last night I had a short,
but rather interesting dream.

I dreamt that my cell phone beeped
letting me know that I had a new voice mail message.
So, I listened to it.

The voice was that says,
"You have one new message,"
was actually the voice in the message.

She said that my father was going to call me
on the phone at such and such a day
and such a such a time.
Sadly, I don't remember the day and time
that she said this would happen.

I remember thinking that it was weird
the "voice mail voice" would give me this message.

The thing is,
my father died several years ago.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Movie Maker

Last night,
I had a dream that I was movie maker.
Not sure if that meant
I was a producer or director
or screen play writer.
I only know that I made movies.

I was holding a preview
of some new movies I had just made.
A few short movies,
and one full length documentary film.

Many were invited to attend.
Friends and family. . .
. . and some not so friendly,
those who would prove to play the role of "foe"
in the documentary.

I think there were three short films.
While I don't recall what the others were about,
one of the films was about the flag.
It detailed what the colors
and symbols mean.
In my dream,
I remember feeling like
so many people just don't have a clue
as what symbols are,
as to what power symbols can have.
I think using the flag to explain the power of symbol
was only a prelude
to the symbols that would be found
in the documentary.

The documentary, however, was a bit difficult.
It detailed a real life situation
of a man who overcame many obstacles
to get where he is today.
And many who created those obstacles
were there watching the film.

There were also many in attendance
who had absolutely no idea
what this man overcame... not a clue.
Impressed by his story,
they began to ask him questions after the film was over.

Needless to say,
those who gave him grief
tried to defend their actions,
saying that he deserved to be treated in such a fashion,
that it was for is own good
and development.

Yet, the people seemed to support this man.
It's like,
they had an entirely new respect for him
and for those like him,
living through similar circumstances.

The man in my dream
was a Roman Catholic Priest
who was pushed out of public ministry
by leadership
who tried to impose
the rule of obedience
in nonsensical ways,
in ludicrous ways.
He began to be treated badly by leadership
when he began questioning injustice
within his group.

The movie detailed how he was still
very much involved in a public ministry,
though no longer in a formal way with the church.

The people in my dream
wanted very much for him
to return to a formal public minstry,
though they realized that this would not be possible
with the current rules and regulations of the church.

Those who pushed him out of ministry
continued to defend their actions
and their motives.

No formal decisions were made.
The man didn't decide
to try and persue a formal public ministry.
The people didn't decide
to make noise about it.
The church leaders who gave him grief
didn't decide to keep an eye on him.

But it was obvious that the movie
struck a nerve with all present.
And that no one in attendance
would ever see things the same way.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Graduation Gown

Last night I had a dream about a graduation gown.
I don't remember all of it,
but I do remember enough of it to write about it here.

I dreamt that my sister and I were both graduating.
I don't know from what. . .college . . high school. . .
. . .or some other special school. . .
I only remember that we were both going to graduate
at the same school in the same ceremony.

When we received our graduation gowns
I immediately ironed mine and hung it up
so that it would be ready for the ceremony.
My sister never took hers out of the bag.

We began discussing when the rehearsal for graduation would be.
We both remembered that the rehearsal was to be held
on the same day as the graduation.
However, we disagreed on the time.

I said it was in the morning.
She said it was at 6:00p.m.,
one hour before the ceremony.
I told here that couldn't be right.
At 6:00p.m. people would already be arriving
to find a good seat
and find a good parking place.

We decided that she would
go in the morning, just to make sure.
I would stay home.
After all,
we had the same last name
and would surely be seated next to each other.
She would go in the morning
and then fill me in on the details.
If it turned out that the rehearsal was in the evening,
we would just both go then.

So, she went.
But she took her gown as well.
She didn't plan on coming home
until after the graduation ceremony.
It turned out the rehearsal was, indeed,
in the morning.

As the hour approached for me to get ready,
I couldn't find my graduation gown.
I looked everywhere.
All of the bedrooms in the house,
the closets, the bathroom, the basement.
I couldn't find it anywhere.

And then it occurred to me that maybe
my sister had taken my gown
when she left in the morning.

So, I went to her room to look for her gown.
Sure enough, her gown was still there,
still in the plastic bag it came in.
I decided that my only alternative
was to iron it and use that one.
So I did.

Then she came home and announced
that she had taken the wrong gown.
And she wanted hers.
I wouldn't give it to her
because she had already worn my gown
and it would need to be re-ironed.
I told her that I was going to use her gown.
After all,
I had already ironed two gowns
and I wasn't about to iron one of them all over again.

I don't know. . . .
. . .but there does seem to be some parallel
with this graduation gown dream
and the dream I posted in this blog yesterday
about the car and the pot holes in the road.

that's all I remember about this graduation gown dream.
I don't remember if my sister got made at me
for not giving her the gown.
Of if I got mad at her
for taking my gown in the first place.

But there you have it: Last Night's Dream!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Car Dream

I had this dream recently.

I dreamt that it had been raining.
There were a number of pot holes in the road,
but the rain managed to fill them with water.
I was driving my car.

But I knew well where all of the pot holes were.
So, I drove around them.
Others drove right through them
as they couldn't see them,
thinking they were just puddles in the road.
But I knew exactly where all of the holes were.

I went to my mom's house.
I don't know where we were going,
but I went there to pick her up.
She insisted on driving.

Now, in my dream, my mother wasn't my mother.
I did go to her house.
I mean, the house in my dream was as the actual house my mother has.
But the woman in my dream,
although she was my mother,
she was a different woman than my real life mother.

Why is that?
I mean,
why do we know people in our dreams
who aren't as they are in real life?

my mother inisted on driving my car.
Now, in real life, my mother doesn't drive.
She's of the generation of women
who, for the most part,
just didn't get a driver's license.

In my dream,
I resisted letting her drive.
But then I just gave in.

I told her I would let her drive,
but she had to listen to me
when I told here where the pot holes were.

She said she would

But then we neared what seemd to be a huge puddle.
I told her that there was a large hole in the road
and that she should go around it.

She didn't listen.
And the car ended in stuck in this huge hole.
The whole front end of the car
just went down into this hole.

When we managed to get out of the car
someone people nearby managed to get the car out of the hole.
They all worked together
and just lifted the car out of that hole.

My mom thanked them.
But I was angry at her
as I was certain that my car's engine,
after having gone for a swim,
would need to be replaced.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome to My Dream House Blog

Red Rose after the Rain

Hello and welcome.

I'm not too sure how this blog will develop.
Nor am I sure how often I will enter stuff here.

But one thing is for sure.
I've been having some really unusual dreams lately.
And it's about time I begin to write them down.

My friend, Kyra, has been on my case to do this.
I often call her when I've had a strange or unusual dream.
She's pretty good at interpreting the symbols and what not.

And while I don't know that much about dreams,
I know enough to know that dreams can be
release dreams or prophetic dreams.
As a person of faith,
I know that dreams can be used as a method of divine communcation.
And I also know that sometimes
dreams are just the brain/body's way of chilling out.

I don't know how often I'll write in this blog.
When I dream, I'll write.
At the very least,
I may be able to see the progression of my dreams.
And maybe if I look back at what I dreamt
a month ago
I'll be better able to understand this world of dreams.

So, here it is.
My Dream House Blog!

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About the photo:
Just one of my roses from last year,
taken just after a rainfall.